The Varmitgetter UK Component System (VGCS) is designed to collapse the tunnels of burrowing pests. It does so by delivering a precise mixture of propane and oxygen and once applied, a spark is added to the mix – causing the gases to ignite, expand rapidly and as a result, collapse the burrow.

In the USA and other countries, such systems can be used as a direct pest control method. By direct we mean the system can be used on burrows and tunnels that are known to be inhabited.

However, here in the UK, it is illegal to use explosives (with the exception of ammunition) to kill any wild animal.

It is therefore the responsibility of the user to ensure all burrows / tunnels that are to be collapsed are clear of any live animals before undertaking to destroy the tunnels using the Varmitgetter UK CS. Varmitgetter UK will not be responsible for misuse of the product.

More information about Defra and Natural England guidlelines on use of this type of products are detailed on the Legislation page